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Virtual Phone Numbers

Increase business visibility with a Virtual Phone Number

Virtual phone numbers are growing increasingly popular for organizations across Europe, due to their ability to help businesses expand globally, without significantly increasing expenses. Virtual phone numbers offer numerous benefits for businesses, including cost savings, flexibility, professionalism, and enhanced communication capabilities. Virtual numbers are a valuable tool for any business looking to improve their customer service and streamline their communication processes. At Voiped Telecom, select from a wide portfolio of National and International virtual numbers in over 140 countries and start receiving phone calls within minutes.


These numbers have a local or national area code, making it appear to callers that your business is located in a specific geographic area. They are great for small businesses looking to establish a local presence in multiple cities or regions.

Toll Free

Toll-free numbers (for example, 0800 numbers in the UK, or 1-800 numbers in the US) allow customers to call your business without incurring any charges. They are easy to remember and are often used for customer support lines.

Shared Cost

Shared cost numbers can be used for various purposes in business, including customer support hotlines, voting lines, surveys, and more. They are often used to offset some of the call costs while still providing a means for customers to reach them.


These numbers are used by businesses to generate revenue by charging callers a higher rate for using the services provided through the premium number. Callers who dial premium phone numbers are charged a premium rate for the call.

A virtual phone number offers numerous advantages to businesses of all sizes. Here are some of the advantages of selecting Voiped Telecoms' virtual phone number solution.

What are the advantages of a Virtual Phone Number?

What are the advantages of a Virtual Phone Number?
  • Global reach
  • Secure connectivity with high availability
  • Number portability
  • User portal accessibility
  • 24/7 technical support
  • Real-time reporting
  • Flexible, multi-currency payment options
  • Additional VoIP telephony services

What features does a virtual phone number offer?

What features does a virtual phone number offer?

Ready to receive your Virtual Number?

Voiped Telecom is a European wholesale provider of virtual telephone numbers with highly reliable national and international call routes. Locate your company anywhere in the world without the need for a physical presence.



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